Tuesday 12 August 2008

Noah & The Whale, Peaceful The World Lays Me Down

In case you were wondering, this London-based indie-folk foursome's name is an obscure cinematic reference besides convoluted and pretentious to go into here. Apparently, Noah And The Whale don't like being labelled as 'twee', but that really is the number 1 word that will come into your head when you hear the ukulele, recorder and whistling desist of their catchy hit ditty, 5 Years Time. Even so, the superficial chirpiness of some of their medicine is leavened by some ambitious brass and train arrangements and enough lyrical depth and ambiguity to make Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down more than than the collection of simple honey songs it initially seems to be.

The band were originally most noteworthy for having launched alt. folks singer Laura Marling on her solo career. By the time they released this debut album, she was no longer a group member, although her backing vocals haunt much of it � a definite fillip � making you admiration whether she'll continue to moonlight with them.

There�s only room for one star in nearly bands, and that would be lead singer and songwriter Charlie Fink. With a articulation best described as an acquired gustatory modality, hovering somewhere out over the mid-Atlantic, he's both the almost distinctive thing about Noah And The Whale and the most difficult thing to fuck off used to. But he does have a certain way with a tune. Early single Shape Of My Heart has a nagging melody, while both Give A little Love, the near-epic title track and the reflective closer Hold My Hand As I'm Lowered are similarly sturdy constructions which well-nigh seem at odds with the band�s

sort of lightweight image. Fans of Belle & Sebastian, Arcade Fire and Bill Callahan may easily enjoy this disc.

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